Oracle Readings with Marcela
This reading reminds you that every moment of your Life is Divinely orchestrated and designed to bring you to your higher potential and be happy. I use Oracle cards together with my own Intuition, Wisdom Teachings and ancient Truths that can be found in every tradition. Oracle cards are ancient and reliable way to receive spiritual guidance and detailed Insight. Wisdom Teachings or Higher ancient Truth is something that you already have within yourself in a form of energy and Consciousness. During the reading you are been reminded of that as your own Guidance and Wisdom is forever trying to bring you towards the highest expression of the Self.
Every 40-45 minute reading consists of 3 aspects - Wisdom of the Avalon, Sacred Numerology and Messages for Loving Kindness.
Wisdom of the Avalon reveals deeper dynamic of what is going on in your life in present moment and a need to become conscious of it.
Sacred Numerology reveals the absolute truth of every event being specifically and carefully chosen by our Higher Self to learn valuable lesson, neutralize any disharmony and grow in Spirit and Truth.
Messages from Loving Kindness are indeed confirmations of how deeply we are been loved by Divinity and bring healing to parts of ourselves that need it the most.
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